Shweir Photos 2

To see Shweir Photos 1, click here

Birds eye view of Dhour Shweir & surroundings, Courtesy of Google Earth


Shweiry faces and places
For those of you who could not visit Shweir this summer of 2006,
We bring more pictures from the summer and Emigrant Festival of 2005

There are so many wonderful people that we had privilege to meet and re-acquaint with, Wish we had more time
and resources to feature and acknowledge each and every one of you/them.   Click on thumbnails below to enlarge...



For those of you who could not visit Shweir this summer of 2006,
how about a walk in Ghwab with your guides Dr. & Mrs. Jaber Sawaya...

The many views of
Shweir along that walk. 
Thank you for an
unforgettable walk.


Author Topic: Snow, snow, snow…
Samar Kiame
Member # 227


posted 02-16-2006 11:39 PM      Profile for Samar Kiame     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
When you wake up in the morning, warm in your bed, you wish to stay under the cover hiding from cold… outside the wind blows and the thunder roars…

The sky is shouting strongly, with all its force, angry for something people are doing, wanting to punish by frightening them… are the mountains breaking…

Then you get up to open the curtains…

White clouds pass by the summit of the mountain tickling the pine trees then descend to the valleys making all the view white for moments giving you a feeling of being in another world, in a empty space then the wind pushes them away…

How wonderful and magnificent landscape of white dress covering everything…

Mountains and valleys, trees and ground, houses, cars, streets, squares… everything in new design…

God made a new touch of beautiful art on earth, entering peace to the heart…

And the wind sways the trees branches in the wood, as if it was walking on its tops and curving them all together by turn, one after the other, as if dancing on a slow motion…

Who is the happiest in this world with snow?

Of course children who prayed for God to make more snow fall , and this time God listened to their prayers…

The school buses turned back and the students shouted jolly: “no exams for today”

Men and women took the equipments and went outside to take off the snow in front of their houses and the cars…

On the street, tires of cars turn in place, with no capacity to overcome the steepness of the hill, others stuck here and there, others with some pushes tried to pass their way…

Brrr… when the snow enters to your neck and the water wets your feet; nothing is better than sitting near the heat…and watching from window the snow falling silently…

Unfortunately, no reservoirs or lakes, or any plan to keep water for the hot days…

Posts: 107 | From: Shweir | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged

Thank you Samar for your continued updates. 


Thank you Samar for the pictures To read any responses to Samar's article, click the following link:;f=1;t=001746


The Anwars of Shweir... Anwar Sawaya, Anwar Touma Sawaya, Anwar Shaya Kenicer & Anwar Bassam Abdel Ahad.
Would you trust one of these Anwars to cut your hair...   OOKkaaay, Whoose NEXT!


From:  Samar Kiameh
Friday, December 09, 2005 12:34:31 AM

hi Anwar,

i am sending you the pcitures about st. Berbara's piece little by little and to make the thing easy on you, i've divided them into groups so you know wich one are the first until the end of the piece of the theatre
ok, here is the plan:
1st folder or e-mail: kawalees or behind the curtains
2nd folder: the beginning
3rd: the mariage
4th: punishment
7th: congratulations
8th:wheat's halloween
i am going to send the report to the BB

Hope you are not very busy to update them, because people will be upset with me if we don't send them as soon as it is possible.  they are excited for this event.


Educating thru Re-Enactment

The Miracle of St. Barbara

Behind the Curtains
At the Beginning

The Marriage
Discovery &
The Miracle


The Audience &
Sharing of Saint
Barbara's Holy Wheat
Thanks to all who made this a Great success... the main characters are pictured below and who helped behind the scenes...
Thank you Samar for taking the pictures, editing and sending them.  Samar did her best to send the pictures right away, on Dec 9th, 2005; however due to some technical and time challenges on Webmaster's part, yours truly.  We are experiencing some growing pains.  I did not get to see the pictures until three hours ago, Dec 19.  And I thought, my God, how could I have waited this long to post these beautiful pixs.  My apologies.  Congrats and best wishes to all,  Anwar

Author Topic: St. Barbara at el-Moukhalles church - Dhour
Samar Kiame
Member # 227

 posted 12-09-2005 03:35 AM    

ضهور الشوير التي تغفو كالأميرة النائمة أثناء فصل الشتاء منتظرة أن يقبـّل الصيف شفتاها لتعود الحياة إليها، صحت باكرا ً هذه السنة على وقع أقدام القديسة بربارة التي"هشلت" من ظلم أبيها واستبداد الحاكم الوثني ووصلت مساء السبت والأحد إلى كنيسة المخلص في الضهور حيث تنفـّست شبابا ً وجمالا ً، تطرح الكثير من الأسئلة وتبحث عن حقيقة نمت في عقلها وقلبها لم تلق لها جوابا ً عندالآلهة المتعددة التي كان يعبدها الناس في تلك الأيام... وكانت دوما ً تشكي همها لمربيتها "ليديا" التي كانت بالنسبة لها الأم التي لم ترها يوما ً والصديقة المقربة تحكي لها عن شجون نفسها... وبزلّة لسان عن إله تعمل بحسب مشيئته، لا يُرى ولا يُلمس، اكتشفت انتماء مربيتها إلى الديانة المسيحية، هؤلاء المسيحيون الذين عمد والدها دوما ً إلى تحذيرها منهم... فيا للقدر شاء أن تكون أقرب الناس إليها منهم، فتطلب منها أن تعرّفها على إلهها، لتتدبر دخول الرسول "فالنتينوس" كمدرس للفلسفة فعشقت المسيح وتعمدت ونذرت بتوليتها له عاصية بذلك إرادة أبيها وأوامره ولتبدأ بذلك رحلة الصراع والعذاب والتمرد على درب الشهادة من أجل المسيح....

سيرة القديسة بربارة هذه التي استعاد الناس ذكراها بمسرحية أعطت العيد معناه الحقيقي، لعب الممثلون أدوارها ببراعة تامة تفجرت من خلالها المواهب المخبأة لدى أهل ما سعوا يوما ً لدراسة التمثيل أو إتقانه ولا خطر في بالهم للحظة أنهم قد يقفون على خشبة مسرح ويبرعوا...

فتألقت في دور البطولة "هنادي عبد الأحد" التي جعلت صوتها وجسدها هيكلا حيا ً للقديسة بربارة فصرخت الرفض والتمرد والعصيان وجعلت صوتها يصدح ألما ً وثورةً ، فرددت حجارة الكنيسة صرخاتها محركة المشاعر وجاذبة القلوب، مثلت الضعف والقوة، والإنكسار والإنتصار.

أما "لما صوايا" بدور المربية ليديا فبرعت بسلاستها في التمثيل وبعض الحركات المضحكة بكسر حدة وغضب الوالد وتأدية دور الأم.

أما "حليم صوايا" الذي لعب دور الضابط الروماني الموالي للحاكم ينفذ أوامر التعذيب وأحكام الإعدام بالمسيحيين رأى نور المسيح الذي ظهر على بربارة في السجن ليشفي جروحاتها، فتاب وطلب من بربارة أن تعمده قبل أن يساعدها على التنكر بإلباسها ثيابه العسكرية الرسمية والهروب من السجن ثم "الهشول" بين العالم، مما أدى إلى غضب الحاكم فاستشهد بقطع الرأس.

كما برز "فؤاد صوايا" بدور الأب الغاضب من تصرفات ابنته الذي وصل به الأمر إلى حد تسليمهاإلى الحاكم ورميها في السجن وتعذيبها ولدى هروبها لحق بها وقطع رأسها مما أدى إلى استشهادها ثم وفاته بغضب إلهي.

أما "سبع بعقليني" الذي صرح في مقابلة معه إلى أنه لم يفكر يوما ً في التمثيل وهو يعمل في مجال مختلف تماما عن المسرح، هو فرح بإعجاب الجمهور لأدائه الدورين اللذين مثلهما بنجاح باهر وهما "الكاهن غايوس" الوثني الذي كان سيزوج بربارة بعريس والدها و"الحاكم مركيانس" المستبد والطاغي.

و"جورج عربيد" فلعب دور الرسول"فالنتينس"الذي أرسله المبشر "أوريجنس" والذي أداه "جابر عربيد"، وقد استطاع الدخول إلى القصر وإعطاء الدروس لبربارة بحجة أنه مدرس الفلسفة، وإعطاء بربارة القوة أثناء وجودها في السجن، وقد برز هذين الممثلين بدوريهما من خلال إطلالتهما وتأدية دوريهما باحتراف.

أما "ساري بو نخلة" فقد لعب دورا ً ثانويا ً هادئا ً ألا وهو "غولياس" الشاب الذي أراد والد بربارة تزويجها إياه فظهر لمرة واحدة على المسرح أثناء مراسم الزفاف وعبادة أحد الأوثان، إلا أن حضوره على المسرح كان لافتا ً.

الحضور والديكور

اجتمع الديكور الذي امتاز بتماثيل ترمز إلى العبادة الوثنية وبضعة كنبات لها طابع ملوكي إلى جانب الإضاءة المتعددة الألوان في مختلف الزوايا وهي بأغلبيتها دافئة ليلعبوا دورا ً فاعلا ً في المسرحية كما كان للإنارة دورا ً فاصلا ً بين المشاهد إذ كانت تُطفأ وتُضاء بين مشهد وآخر.
أما الثياب فتعود بنا إلى أيام الحكم الروماني وكانت تبرز كل شخصية بحسب مكانتها ودورها في المسرحية.
ولا بد من الإشارة أيضا ً إلى المؤثرات الصوتية التي لعبت على مشاعر الناس فكانت أحيانا ً حزينة وأحيانا ً أخرى ثائرة وفي كل الأحيان مؤثرة وكان لها دورها الفاعل في التأثير بالناس جعلت البعض منهم يدمع في لحظات التعذيب والألم والصراخ.

أما السلاسة في اللغة المستعملة في القصة، حيث عمد الأب إيلي خنيصر كاتب ومخرج المسرحية والذي كان متواجدا ً طوال الوقت على هندسة الصوت، عمد إلى استعمال ألفاظ من حياتنا اليومية جعلت الناس يشعرون أن المسائل التي يطرحها النص قريبة من واقعهم وبيئتهم لا بل تعيش في بيوتهم.

والملفت في المسرحية كان تفاعل الجمهور الذي غصت به الكنيسة لا بل فاضت عنهم ما حرم البعض من الدخول في يومَي، فقد كان هناك تفاعل وثيق ومباشر بين الناس والممثلين جعل البعض منهم لشدة اندماجهم يتكلمون مع الممثلين أثناء تأدية أدوارهم، وإن دخول الممثلين وخروجهم بين الناس جعلهم يكونون جزء لا يتجزء من القصة، وقد بان ذلك واضحا ً أثناء الزفاف عندما طلب الوالد من بربارة أن تسجد أمام التمثال وألا تثير فضيحة أمام الشعب وقد دل بيده على الحضور.

قصة حياة القديسة الشهيدة بربارة، قصة صارخة بامتياز، بحكم كونها تتضمن تمردا ً وانقلابا ً وصراعا ً ورفضا ً وثورة ً وعصيانا ً، تنادي كل مؤمن إلى التأمل بزمن الإضطهاد الذي عاشه المسيحيون أثناء انتشار ديانتهم، وعنادهم وصمودهم في وجه أشكال التعذيب التي كانوا يواجهونها زمن الإستبداد والطغيان.

كل ما عمد هؤلاء الشبان والشابات إلى القيام به هو إعطاء الكثير من وقتهم للتدريب وتقديم تضحيات على حساب جامعاتهم ودروسهم وحتى أعمالهم، أرادوا أولا ً وفي حديث أجريناه مع كل منهم على انفراد أن يقدموا شيئا ً لضيعتهم وثانيا ً أن يمدوا يد العون للأب خنيصر فجسدوا قصة القديسة بربارة بعمل من شأنه أن يجمع الناس ويخبرهم بطريقة حية مسيرتها على طريق الشهادة فكانوا جسرا ً اختصر الزمن تعبره سيرة مسيحيين عاشوا الإضطهاد والإستشهاد إلى مسيحيين جلسوا أمام مسرح يتفرجون على الإضطهاد والإستشهاد.

وقد كان على رأس الحضور في اليوم الأول رئيس بلدية ضهور الشوير وعين السنديانة- الدكتور نبيل غصن، أما في اليوم الثاني فقد حضر عدد من الإخوة والأخوات من الرهبنة الباسيلية الشويرية- الخنشارة.

وفي حديث أجريناه مع كاتب ومخرج المسرحية الأب إيلي خنيصر شكر فيه كل من ساهم في إنجاح هذا العمل أشاد بدور الممثلين وكل الذين مدوا له يد العون وراء الكواليس من فريد الصباغ الذي حضر معهم على التدريبات ثم نصحهم بالتوقف ولكن عندما شاهد نجاح العمل أمام الناس قال له: "يوجد معكم ملائكة تساعدكم".
وجيني صوايا التي استلمت الكواليس، وماري- روزخياطة التي جلبت معدات من مدرسة الراهبات في الشوير وعملت على الكمبيوتر، ونايلة صوايا التي اهتمت بالديكور وغيره، ومعمل مجاعص لخياطة الألبسة، والبلدية لتقديم المسرح، والسيدات لولو خنيصر وحياة صوايا وغلادس أبو صعب لتقديم القمح عند انتهاء المسرحية والذي هو رمز لهروب بربارة إلى حقول القمح.

وهو يعد بمشاريع مستقبلية كثيرة "كخيانة يهوذا"،و"رتبة العشاء السري"، و"غسل السيدة" وغيرها...

كما صرح بأنه طلب من لجنة عيد المغتربين أن تخصص له نهارا ً من المهرجان من أجل أن يقدموه لمريم العذراء بمسرح ضخم جدا ً وهو سيعمل من أجل إعادة إخراج قصة القديسة بربارة من جديد على أمل أن يأتي تلفزيون "تلي لوميار" ويصورعلى أن يتضمن العمل لوحات راقصة وغيرها وهو يعد بصيفية مليئة بالنشاطات.

وبحسب قوله فإن أصداء الأعمال التي تقام في الشوير وصلت إلى أماكن بعيدة على أن يشكل نواة من حوله تساعده في أعماله كما يهمه أن تكون ضهور الشوير إشعاعا ً روحيا ً للخارج فيقصدها الناس من بعيد لرؤية الأعمال التي تجري فيها فيعترف بحبه لضيعته كونه إبنها وسوف يعمد إلى إنهاضها كأي شخص لديه نفس الهدف والمحبة تجاه ضيعته فيدعو إلى تكاتف الجميع دون تمييز من أجل النهوض بها.
وأعرب عن رضاه عن هذا العمل الذي أنجزوه فقد شبهه بمخاض المرأة الحامل التي تتألم قبل الولادة ولكن عندما ترى طفلها تنسى كل شيء وتفرح.

Posts: 90 | From: Shweir | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged


A Masque party at SSCC - Shweir


Author Topic: A Masque party at SSCC - Shweir
Samar Kiame
Member # 227

posted 12-03-2005 06:54 AM      Profile for Samar Kiame     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Princesses, clowns, dolls, brides, fairies, dancers, singers, cartoon personalities, scared faces, aged visages… that is how the children wear and hide their innocent faces in the Masque called by the young Scouts in Shweir who gathered the children with love in SSCC (Soeur Saint Coeur Choueir) school’s theatre, where they was happy to dress their preferred personalities and dance, made sketches, sang, and compete in front of the jury.

An at the end, the decision was hard to choose the best three masked from all the participants whom each one of them was special in his own costume.

Happy Halloween

Posts: 89 | From: Shweir | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged
Habeeb M. Nacol
Member # 15

posted 12-03-2005 07:58 AM      Profile for Habeeb M. Nacol     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Ya Samar you brought back some wonderful memories.
I wonder if the kids in Shweir still go out on the eve of St. Barbara's feast like we used to do. 3eed el Birbara was so much fun!

Kids here in Beaumont still do something similar--similar because it does not have the religious connotation that is the basis of our 3eed in Lebanon. Holloween in the west began from a different tradition--wiches warlocks etc  , but the kids have as much fun.

Cathy and I every year look forward to seeing the young kids of the neighborhood knocking at the door and we always have some wonderful treets to give them.

This year sadly was an exception. Halloween came right after the hurricane, and the street lights throughout the city were out. We were so disappointed--we did not have one caller!

This is killing me because I am a chocolate freek. I have a cubbord full of all sorts of candy and am doing my best to eat the whole thing by myself before the first of the year which is a challenge  (Never mind cholesterall, triglicerides and all the wondeful things that one gets when one gets old.

Those were the days ya 3ammo. Happy 3eed el Birbara to you ya Samar and to your family. And if you see 3ammo Khalil Mir3i ask him if he remembers what he and I did one 3eed eo Birbara about a hundred years ago  .

Posts: 972 | From: Beaumont, Texas, U.S.A. | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged
Samar Kiame
Member # 227

posted 12-06-2005 05:22 AM      Profile for Samar Kiame     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Dear 3ammo Habeeb,

The kids in Shweir still go out on the evening of St. Barbara's feast but I don’t know if they used the way you used a hundred years ago.

Actually, my grand-mo “Joséphine” is very exaggerate from herself because she couldn’t get up anymore and make the “atayef bi ashta and jawz” and the “sambousik” and “ma3kroon” and make wheat, you have to imagine what was our mission of my mother and I to make her taste the 3eed in time when people these days bought it already cooked.

Grand-mo told me that before, life was warmer when people used to help each others, men in constructing houses and women in working at home, where they used to cook in group and made different kind of delicious food, we, her grand-children don’t know its taste.
And she said; at Berbara’s feast, people used to go in groups, hiding very well their faces and wearing tear and old clothes very differently from these days in which costumes are already made and sell at markets. And it was a shame if someone shows his face; they don’t accept that, otherwise people will look at him as if he did something wrong.
And, they didn’t use to take money as kids these days do, but they used to take from each house a kind of food as meal and “dibbes” and “jawz” and “lawz” and “zbeeb” and “teen matboo3”… then all get together in a house and made the “atayef” together and make fire inside the house in a “kenoon” where they put “fa7em” and spend the night eating and drinking and laughing and singing… “Food was very delicious, it was different. People changed: said grand-mo”.

And they used to sing: - “heshle birbara ma3 banat el 7ara, 3rifta min eedayha w min laftet 3inayha w min hak el iswara”
Or –“irbene faw’ irbene sahibt el bayt hirbene”
Or-“ arghileh faw’ arghileh sahibt el bayt zanghileh”
Or –“ blata faw’ blata sahibt el bayt shifata”….

And she continued: “when a group meets another group a kind of fight happen between them, they snatch each others and take their “ghalleh” then went victoriously to spend the night on what they got”

And when she got married to my grand-father in Ain el Sindyeneh she said: “in Ain el Sindyeneh people used to spend St. Berbara’s feast in the house of the poet Mikhael Jabbour where they took their food from “atayef………” and go to spend the night with him”
And she laughed lots while telling me how women used to threw in the air the shoes that people keep outside the house before they enter, and laugh lots seeing each one running and looking after his shoes”

Dear 3ammo Habeeb, if this is the way you used to live 3eed el Berbara, let me tell you “niyyelkon”.
Anyway, I’ll see 3ammo Khalil and ask him more.

But this year, the 3eed was different too, a piece of theatre happens in al Mukhalles church, pictures and a report will be very soon delivered ...

3ammo Habeeb, I am very happy doing this conversation with you. I wish you spend a better 3eed Berbara the next year and God keep you safe from hurricane. Here, we are used to spend nights without electricity and live different kind of hurricanes.

I know how much sometimes we can’t resist when we have a cupboard full of all sorts of candy, and I wish I am there to help you eating it especially chocolate, but I wish too that you think about Cathy and I how much we'll be sad if something happen to you if you eat lots of it.
I’ll try to give you a solution, I am not sure it will work but you have to try: when you see the candy, close your eyes and drive yourself away. But I am sure that you’ll come back and say: “I’ll eat one more only” and after while you’ll come back to eat one more…, so I’ll ask you to remember me with every piece of chocolate you eat…

My father sends you his regards

How is and where is 3ammo Nabil, laysh mish 3am bee bayyen?

Take care


Posts: 89 | From: Shweir | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged
Habeeb M. Nacol
Member # 15

posted 12-06-2005 07:34 AM      Profile for Habeeb M. Nacol     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Dear Sammar,

As usual you drew a vivid folkloric picture of how things used to be. What your grandma told you maybe was 110 years ago while what we did was only a hundred 

My biggest memory of the 3eed was not what we wore or what we received, but of the comradery. Wid did go out as a group--the boys with the boys and the girls with the girls. We thought it was fun to scare the hell out of the girls and their job was to squeel (mostly contrived sqeels  I guess this was part of the growing up ritual and it was so wonderful!

The costumes that we had were all made by us and the treats were all home made. This is not the case anylonger either in Lebanon or herer in Texas. In the past few year here there were several cases of some sick people who gave the children contaminated or poisoned candy which put a damper on the holiday.

Also there are some grinches, who had nothing better to do, came up with the idea that this holiday was sacriligious because its orgin in the west possibly might have come from midieval witch practices so there has been an effort to stop it--how dumb!

Anyway, some churches have decided for the safety of the children to have church overnight parties instead. As for my neighborhood, I am hoping that things go back to normal next year. I just love to see these beautiful little children with their big eyes growing up in front of us--some of them are already in college or beyond now. Maybe one day they will bring their own babies out to trick and treat.

Let me tell you a small anecdote that happened here. My sister-in-law Molly (my wife's sister) few years back moved to her new house in our neighborhood. It is at the entrance of the sibdivision. Molly is a great cook and her deserts are so good. So for that halloween she decided to bake some cup cakes and spent hours decorating them. That evening she set a table in front of her front door and decorated with all kinds of things, and set two huge trays of the cupcakes on it.

When the first door bell rang that evening she opened it and found out that some one stole the whole thing table and all! Now she, like the rest of us just gives out store bought candy. So you see ya ammoura, things, very sadly, have changed here also.

Posts: 972 | From: Beaumont, Texas, U.S.A. | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged
Nadia P. Benab
Member # 179

posted 12-06-2005 08:32 AM      Profile for Nadia P. Benab     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Samar, have no idea how much I treasure your
writings. Although my dear Mother passed away in 1999, for the many years that she lived with me, she told me the wonderful stories of her childhood in Shweir. Because of you, I really can understand what she had in her heart while she
shared her memories with me.


Posts: 171 | From: Washington, D. C. | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged




Welcome to Spring... Thanks to Najib Rahbani for sending these pictures


Buildings vacated by the Syrian Army

Latest pixs
rec'd on
March 21, 2005

Thank you Samar for sharing these important developments with Shweirieh in Shweir & bil Mahjar.

Al Kassouf Hotel

Is your building
among these?

Lets make the best of a fresh new start...


Author Topic: At the Kassouf Hotel
Samar Kiame
Member # 227

posted 03-16-2005 09:30 AM      Profile for Samar Kiame     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 

They left taking with them 30 years of emigration, ‎injustice, tears, fear, poverty, intelligence service…‎
I took my camera and went to the Kassouf hotel, ‎
I went up the long stairs of the hotel with fear,‎
Hesitate and impulse at the same time;‎
I said I will not leave before I see what these great walls ‎hide behind; walls joined the thief and the dictator and were ‎shelter for the outlaw.‎
I will enter take pictures and leave quickly.‎

Ever I thought I will enter to the Kassouf hotel.‎
This hotel that every time I pass in front off, I see it ‎standing with greatness and arrogance.‎
The building shows a lost greatness.‎
I entered. My heart broke.‎

The walls, the windows, the doors, the stairs… shouted in ‎my ears: “please, help me; take me out from this misery”.‎
I stood in the middle and looked around. What would I say?‎

Big happiness and deep sadness.‎
Freedom from a suffering past, and a future full of concerns ‎and responsibilities.‎
So I laughed and laughed and laughed…‎
Then I through my stuff on the ground and kneeled broken, ‎‎“oh God, God, why?” ‎

After an instant, the sun touched my face tenderly with ‎fresh breeze attract me to go out from the back to a ‎landscape no words may describe it.‎
A yellow and red sunset and freshen breeze.‎
Is it the creator marvelous?!!‎

I felt freedom entering my chest, and for the first time ‎chained me.‎
I stood as a miniature between the long pine trees looking ‎to the marvelous landscape. ‎
The birds were twittering all the time.‎
What a beauty?!!‎
Everything attracts me to this place not wanting to leave it.‎

And I looked again to the design of the building on the ‎edge of effacing.‎
It called me again: “help me”.‎
Tears in my eyes, I wish if it can hear me saying: “how you ‎want me to help you, and your citizens are arrogant, don’t ‎accept to take a shovel, a garden fork, a rake, a hammer… ‎and work hardly to maintain you.‎

Your citizens are ready to hit visitors by your stones but not ‎ready to build you by your stones for your advance.‎
And you, you were built to receive visitors.‎
‎ ‎
Your citizens are ready to travel and work in the stations ‎and the kitchen restaurants… in the entire world, but not ‎ready to work for you.‎

Even when the spaces separated them, they continued ‎fighting. And all what they need is to be gathered at your ‎square and give them guns.‎
So they will fight again and again and again…‎
As if you did not suffered enough…”‎

I stood surrounded by the scent of pine, everything attract ‎me to this place,‎
I closed my eyes for a moment, then run away…‎

‎-Sometimes we forget that we are the problem, not the ‎others-‎

Posts: 54 | From: Shweir | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged

Waleed S Moujaes
Member # 278

posted 03-16-2005 09:37 AM      Profile for Waleed S Moujaes     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 

That is inspiring ya Samar. I can't wait to visit this summer.

Since you opened the Kassouf subject, I would like someone from the baladieh to update us on the legal situation between Dhour Shweir and Ka3kour. Is the Kassouf for Dhour or for the Ka3kour????

I posted this question many time before. So, now I really hope to hear an answer.

Posts: 13 | From: Columbus, OH | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged

Samar Kiame
Member # 227

posted 03-16-2005 10:04 AM      Profile for Samar Kiame     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 

Waleed some people here say that it became for the kaakour.
i am not sure.
but i think it is true.
i wish i could have something to be sure from the subject.
i will do my best.

Posts: 54 | From: Shweir | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged

George Matar
Member # 4

posted 03-16-2005 11:01 AM      Profile for George Matar     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 

Thank you Samar on this lovely update. The Kasouf always was and still on our minds.

Hey, how about fixing the Kasouf halls before Eid al Mughtaribeen, and hold some events in it? Wouldn't that be great... Maybe even Miss Emigrants Pageant. Using the Fasad as a backdrop could portrays a powerful image / message.

Belong to the Qa3kour? maybe the area needs redistricting 

Posts: 1932 | From: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged

Waleed S Moujaes
Member # 278

posted 03-16-2005 12:41 PM      Profile for Waleed S Moujaes     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 

I hope that someone from the baladieh would confirm to us the status of the Kassouf OFFICIALLY.

[ 03-16-2005, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Waleed S Moujaes ]

Posts: 13 | From: Columbus, OH | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged



Shweir during snow storm - Feb 2005

From: Silva Awad Bou-Zeid []
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 9:34 AM
Subject: February 2005: storm at Dhour El Shweir
Importance: High

 Some pictures taken at Shweir during the storm that hit Lebanon this February. It was really a powerful winter storm; major highways were blocked by snow. Many schools were forced to close and kept too many students away from classes.

Silva Awad Bou-Zeid

Thank you Silva *** Please thank Vanessa for posing for us with each season



Thanks Najib Rahbani

Pictures taken by Tony Moujaes on his trip to Shweir in October 2004

al Bousta...


Oh, Nostalgia, old customs, traditions, the art of masonry buildings, coble stones...

Thank You Tony Moujaes for these Fantastic Pictures.

Tony, these great pictures deserve a report.  :) 
Will be happy to post it when you send it.