Shweir Heritage

Shweir Heritage

Dear Shweireyeh,

 Greetings from our lovely town,

I took the initiative to communicate to you on different issues that are of common interest to all Shweireyeh hoping to rally our efforts to what is best for Shweir and our future.

Below you will find a brief on different projects, do let me know if you want to stay informed, get involved, invite someone in by sending his name and email or to be deleted from our mailing list.

 1- Project: Shweir future: To establish a new platform in discussing community objectives and how to set strategies and plans. Such activity compliments earlier discussions on this hot topic and is important as elections that are due in spring 2010. A power point presentation and a flyer are prepared in order to facilitate discussions. Action started on 14 August 2009 by distributing the flyers in Shweir.

We agreed with Anwar Kenicer to post this information on and Facebook to keep these issues as priority.

You can write to us at: or post your opinion at

2- Project: Shweir archive: To document individual, group and community activities in Shweir which are ongoing and moving back in time as much as we can. Action started late 2006.

You can also contact this project at:

3- Project: Shweir heritage: To identify, save, help preserve and set a tourist archaeological plan for Shweir heritage. Action started August 2009 . First site to be refurnished is TAHUNIT EL SAYEGH. A separate mail will be sent to you and to around 350 emails of Shweireyeh worldwide to help bring enough donations.

You can also contact this project at:

4- Project: Shweir jobs: To build a network of connections between Shweireyeh in Lebanon and worldwide which will result in identifying job vacancies and present young graduates with such opportunities. Project under preparation. 

You can also contact this project at:

5- Project: Shweir ever green : to bring public awareness into this important asset which helped shape Shweir's past and hopefully its future and to start many activities such as planting sidewalks and  main squares, cleaning campaigns.. The most important issue is to start a Tree nursery ( Pine mainly ) to ensure enough stocks for the annual planting activity. (Prior treee planting and environmental efforts by NSSP, the Scout group, Mike Sawaya and other environmentalists will be quite valuable).

Also we want to involve the mayors in such a way to ensure that Vs each Birth Certificate a certain number of pine trees will be planted.

Action started Sept 09 to bring up a team from Shweir youth to plan and implement this project.

 A clean up campaign on 19-09-09 was the first activity of this group.

You can contact this project at:

6- Project: Shweir Museum: to preserve and present old items, equipment, documents, documentaries.... This will be a part of the Tourist tour of Shweir in the coming future.

 Project under preparations.

We are trying to identify an old house which can accommodate such project. If you have any suggestions do write to us at:

 In a word, many other projects can be launched and many like us are dreaming of a prosperous Shweir, the key for a successful re-launch is a common vision and team work.

May God keep you/us unified and preserve Shweir.

Issam Mikhael Touma Sawaya.

Shweir Heritage

 Our aim is constituting a communication network and a task force with the mission to:

-         Count and register the Heritage sites in Shweir.
         Encourage owners to refurnish their properties.
         Help owners technically and financially to maintain their properties.
         Encourage Shweir municipality to get involved.
-   Draw a tourist map of Shweir Heritage sites   .
-   Launch tourist and educational field trips to expose Shweir Heritage.
- Invite National and International expertise to help our mission.

Projects to launch:

A lot should be done yet we want to start with a “Must Do “list which is both Important and Affordable to create the awareness and the momentum needed for more essential projects to come:

A-   Help refurnish Tahounit El Syegh – Nahr abu Dawoud. Action started with Mayor Sami El Sayegh late Sept 2009.

B-   Help restore Ma3sarat bayt Nasr –Ain El hanut- Approximate cost needed is 1500$.

C-   Help refurnish Kanater Souk Shweir-Fawzi Halaby House- Approximate cost needed 1000$.

D-   Help refurnish Ma3sarat bayt El hafeh- El ghwab.

If you are interested to join the team and/or extend your technical and/or financial support, do write to us at:

Or call us at: 00961-3-309391.

May God preserve our heritage and make Shweir prosper.

Team: Eng. Jamil Elias Abi Khier, Eng.Samih Rafik Al Halaby, Eng.Nabil Elias Abi Khier, Issam Mikhael Touma Sawaya

Special Shweir Tour:  For those interested in Shweir heritage and archives, Issam Sawaya, among others, started working on different projects such as protecting some archaeological sites and establishing the archives on scientific basic.  Last immigrant festival, 2009 Issam gave one of most memorable tours and shared his in depth knowledge about Shweir to others on the 8th of august 2009 through an organized field trip.  This summer, He put himself at your disposal to organize field trips for you, your families, your friends, and colleagues.  Our mutual effort will accomplish many objectives:
  1- More shweireyeh will know about shweir heritage
  2-The foot traffic to shweir will increase, this will help the economy and increase the awareness about our SHWEIR AL QAHIRA.  Stay tuned...   
For more info, email Issam at:    via phone at: 00961 3 309-391   

Saving, Renovating and preserving Tahouneh in Ain Sindyaneh

And for your interactive feedback on FaceBook, click on this link:


From:    Shweir Music Lil Iz Association
Project:  Preserve “Saif w Tirs “heritage of Shweir

Greetings from Shweir …  Our association being the carrier of Shweir Flag (Alam El Shweir) and the godfather of the “ Shield & Sword " art (Saif w Tirs ) took the initiative , after getting the blessings of late Jamil Asaad Khneisser’s family , to re-print his book ( لعبة الحكم ) written in 1968 which documented the heritage of this art known in Shweir since the 19th century . This book is on asset to your library and an excellent gift to Shweireyeh in Lebanon and around the globe. If you are interested in getting your copy (cost = 10$) do contact us at:   or 00961 70 745654 to arrange the delivery.
Warm regards, Shweir Music Lil IZ, President ISSAM SAWAYA


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