Congratulations on the Marriage of
Elie Salim Sawaya and Maya Michael Ghora
Saturday July 16, 2005 in Moukhalis Church in Dhour Saha

----- Original Message -----
From: "Riad Khunieser"
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 10:56 PM
Subject: Elie Salim Sawaya's wedding (6)

The Wedding of Elie Salim Sawaya and Maya Michael Ghora took place Saturday
July 16, 2005 in Moughalis Church in Dhour Saha. Few pictures for the relatives
and friends around the world to share the bride and groom their joy.

What a beautiful
Bride & Groom!
What an
elegant wedding.

Congratulations and Alf Mabrook...

A3baal al Azzabbee


Thank you Riad Khuneisser for the pictures.